18 Wheeler Facts
18 Wheeler Fact 1: How much does an 18 Wheeler Weigh?
According to federal regulations, the legal weight for an 18 wheeler is 80,000 pounds. Oversized trucks can weigh more but they need a special permit. Most cars weigh roughly 4,000 to 5,000 pounds.
18 Wheeler Fact 2: How long is an 18 Wheeler?
In general, the average length of an 18 wheeler is somewhere between 70 and 80 feet long. The kind of cab a driver drivers effects the length since some cabs are longer than others.
18 Wheeler Fact 3: How long does it take to Stop an 18 Wheeler?
At 55 mph, it takes a large truck two football fields to come to a stop. In general, it takes an 18 wheeler 40% longer to stop than an average car. In adverse road conditions, it can take much longer. The weight of a truck can also impact braking distance. Trucks have 10 brakes and must use special air brakes when required to decrease speed rapidly, resulting in a sound similar to that of a car hitting fan blades.
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18 Wheeler Fact 4: How does an 18 Wheeler climb up and down Hills?
Most trucks today have 10 forward gears and 2 reverse gears. However, some trucks may have anywhere from 13 to 18 gears. Additionally, truck drivers use a double-clutch form of shifting that allows them to match the engine’s rpms with the appropriate gear for that rpm range. When going up or down an incline, a truck driver must select the appropriate gear given the engine’s rpms. This may result in a “slow” climb and downshifting when leveling out after a hill.
18 Wheeler Fact 5: Isn’t a truck much safer when it isn’t pulling a trailer?
When a truck driver isn’t pulling a trailer he is said to be “bobtailing.” This refers to driving only the portion of a truck known as the cab. Ironically, bobtailing can be very dangerous, especially in inclement weather, since the stabilizing weight of the trailer is absent.
18 Wheeler Fact 6: What Happens if a truck blows a tire?
Trucks have two sets of tires, referred to as a “tandem.” Ideally, if one tire blows, the other tire will continue to hold the weight of the truck until it can be repaired.
18 Wheeler Fact 7: How does a Jack Knife accident happen?
If the trailer of a truck exceeds a 45 degree angle from the cab, a jack knife accident is likely to occur. If a driver has to suddenly stop on a rainy or icy road, the truck may begin to skid and slide. If the trailer begins to come around towards the trailer at a speed faster than the cab itself, a jack knife will happen.
Contact Truck Accident lawyer Stephen Boutros Today
If you’re suffering from a serious head injury, amputation, or quadriplegia due to a truck accident, contact 18 wheeler accident attorney Stephen Boutros today. I have the investigative resources and knowledge needed to expose negligence on the part of truck drivers and hold them financially accountable for the injuries and deaths they cause.
Call For Free Consultation (713) 425-4300