Frequestly Asked Questions

FAQsBelow are some of the questions we frequently receive from our clients. If you have been involved in a car accident and have any questions about your legal rights or injuries, please call me at (713) 425-4300 and schedule your free consultation. Insurance companies have adjusters and lawyers whose sole job is to pay you as little money as possible or nothing at all. I will fight for you to receive all the fair and just compensation you deserve.

For detailed questions and answers about Personal Injury Cases, visit our Archive <<<

1. What does “Board Certified” mean?
Board Certification is a voluntary designation program for attorneys and paralegals. Initial certification is valid for a period of five years. To remain certified, an attorney and paralegal must apply for recertification every five years and meet substantial involvement, peer review and continuing legal education requirements for the specialty area.

To become Board Certified in a specialty area, an attorney must have:

*Been licensed to practice law for at least five years;
*Devoted a required percentage of practice to a specialty area for at least three years;
*Handled a wide variety of matters in the area to demonstrate experience and involvement;
*Attended continuing education seminars regularly to keep legal training up to date;
*Been evaluated by fellow lawyers and judges;
*Passed a 6-hour written examination.

2. How long will my case take?
All cases are different. The length of a case is based primarily on the extent of the injuries you suffered. It would be irresponsible and unprofessional for a lawyer to settle a case before knowing the full extent of their client’s injuries and damages.

It generally takes several months to gather the necessary medical information pertaining to your damages. If a trial becomes necessary, it can take several years to complete a case. We will work as diligently as possible to settle your case quickly but responsibly.

3. What is the “Attorney – Client” privilege?
Simply stated, all information or communication from you to your lawyer is completely confidential. This privilege allows our clients to be completely honest without the fear of harming their cases, and allows me to be in the best position to represent your interests. Open and candid communication is absolutely necessary to an effective client/attorney relationship.

4. How can I be certain you have my best legal interests at heart?
It is my legal, moral and ethical obligation to keep your best interests at heart. One of the reasons I became a personal injury lawyer is because I always want to fight for the underdog.

I have a family, and I desire success like every other American. I only represent clients on a contingency fee basis. So my own economic interests are inextricably tied to my clients. The more money I win for my clients, the more money I get paid.

Therefore, you have our assurance that we have your best legal interests at heart. We will zealously represent you and protect your legal rights.

Stephen Boutros has dedicated over 27 years to advocating for the rights of victims. He focuses on aggressively seeking justice and ensuring that victims of personal injury receive the fullest possible compensation for their injuries and suffering.

Call For Free Consultation (713) 425-4300

5. How do I know you’ll keep me informed about my case?
I need information from you in order to effectively represent you and to maximize the value of your case. Both myself personally and my professional staff work very hard to keep our clients informed of any and all significant developments in their cases. Your satisfaction with my representation of you is one of my primary goals. Frequently, we can answer your questions by telephone, which will save you time and money.

6. What is the value of my case?
You should run like hell from any lawyer who answers this question at the beginning of your case because the truth is, it is impossible to tell what the value of a case is at the beginning. Each case is different. The extent of your injuries, the amount of your medical bills in the past and future, lost wages, loss of ability earning money in the future, the permanency of your injuries and how your personal injuries affected your life are just a few of the questions that must be answered to determine the value of your case. This process often takes several months and occasionally years to learn.

7. How do I make an appointment and what are your office hours?
I will make appointments convenient with your schedule, whenever possible.
There may be times when I am not available. I may be in court or preparing another client’s case for settlement or trial. If your attorney is not available, rest assured that our messaging system will ensure a prompt response.

Our normal office hours are from 8:30 a.m. to 5:00 p.m., Monday through Friday. Please call in advance for an appointment so we will be available and can give you undivided attention.

I accept telephone calls during the workday if we are available. I can’t, however, answer calls if I am in court or meeting with another client. For routine matters, please feel free to speak with a member of my staff.

8. Will my case be settled or will a lawsuit be filed?
It is always our hope to settle a case without incurring the time and cost of litigation. Some lawsuits must be filed immediately to determine who the liable parties are or how much liability insurance is available. Other than that situation, we try to settle cases directly with the insurance company, if a fair settlement offer is made, we can settle that case. However, if the insurance company attempts to low-ball a claim, wrongfully deny liability or engage in delay tactics, we must file a lawsuit.

In Texas, we have until two (2) years (24 months) from the date of your collision (in most cases) to file suit. Although a lawsuit may have to be filed, settlement is always possible. Negotiations continue and only a small percentage of lawsuits actually go to trial.

9. What If I’m Hit by an Uninsured/Underinsured Driver?
If you were hit by an uninsured motorist or underinsured motorist, you may be eligible for benefits under your own policy or the policy that covered the vehicle you were in. In most cases, you will be able to collect for your lost wages, medical bills, pain and suffering, and other damages just as if the negligent driver that hit you did have insurance. We ask that you provide us with a complete copy of your own insurance policy in force at the time of the accident.

10. Who should I call if I have questions about my Accident?
Car wrecks can be a traumatic and confusing event. Call our office to schedule a free consultation and I will further explain the ways you can be compensated for your injuries. Insurance Companies have teams of adjuster and lawyers, you should and deserve to have a Board Certified Personal Injury Lawyer fighting for you. Call me at (713) 425-4300.

Stephen Boutros has dedicated over 27 years to advocating for the rights of victims. He focuses on aggressively seeking justice and ensuring that victims of personal injury receive the fullest possible compensation for their injuries and suffering.

Call For Free Consultation (713) 425-4300

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