What Are the Challenges Involved in a Dog Bite Case?

Interviewer: What would you say are some of the more challenges aspects of dealing with a typical dog bite case?

If There Are Witnesses to the Attack, It Is Easier to Establish Liability

Stephen Boutros: Sometimes proving negligence when they attack, if the dog bite happens within the confines of the homeowner’s home or yard, when there’s a lack of witnesses. If the dog was loose within the neighborhood, then liability is easy to establish at that point.

Although homeowner’s and their insurance companies will try to come up with some type of an excuse to say they weren’t negligent. But, that’s a difficult position for them to take if the dog has gotten loose outside the confines of its home.

It Is Helpful to Take Photographs of Any Injuries Sustained from a Dog Attack

Interviewer: When you meet with a client for the first time, what are you going to ask them to prepare for you? Are there any items that you need to bring or anything that would help with their case that they should include?

Stephen Boutros: Photographs in dog bite cases are extremely important. They should be of the fresh injuries.  I need a list of all the health care providers to date and the medical bills incurred to date. But I also help secure medical care for people who have had dog bites. We’ll send our clients to board certified plastic surgeons and make sure that they get all the health care they need to treat their wounds and any other damages or injuries that they’ve suffered.

Interviewer: Are there any particular cases that you’d like to share with us about dog attack cases?

Stephen Boutros: I’ve discussed a few throughout the interview in general. I’ve had very significant recoveries from very significant dog bite and animal attack cases. There usually is the avenue of recoveries due to homeowner’s insurance. However, the most tragic cases are those involving children.

Children are innocent and they don’t always understand how dangerous these animals are. It goes to emphasize the responsibility that owners have when they’re going to own inherently dangerous animals like pit bulls and others of that nature.

Stephen Boutros has dedicated over 27 years to advocating for the rights of victims. He focuses on aggressively seeking justice and ensuring that victims of personal injury receive the fullest possible compensation for their injuries and suffering.

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