Trampoline Accident Paralyzes Woman From Waist Down

According to a report by, when Grace Quiroz signed a liability waiver at a Dallas, Tex. area trampoline almost 3 weeks back, she didn’t think much of it and she only knew that she was signing away her right to get financial assistance case of any injury she sustains.

On 29th of November, she was paralyzed waist down when Quiroz went to North Dallas Jumpstreet indoor trampoline park with her husband to celebrate their son Matthew’s 7th birthday. According to her, she sustained injury when she was jumping, did a little flip and fell hard on her neck. “It was like falling into the ground. I mean, immediately, I couldn’t feel anything”.

Sullivan was playing on the dodgeball court nearby and rushed to his wife’s side. A severe spinal cord injury was diagnosed by the doctors and she underwent surgery at Baylor Hospital after 2 days of the incident. The broken pieces of vertebrae were removed from her body and 2 titanium plates were fitted to save her spinal cord and hold her head in place.

According to the doctors, if she had moved an inch before the paramedics arrived, there was a possibility of death. report showed that if the injury had been just 1 vertebra higher, she would have had to use a ventilator and been unable to talk.

An attorney was hired by her family in an attempt to challenge the park and claim negligence.

Their attorney told, “Our investigation is continuing. We believe there is going to be some responsibility on their part”.

Mark Goldman, the company’s chief operating officer said in a statement, “Our thoughts and prayers are with Ms. Quiroz and her family. The safety of our guests and their families are our top priority”.

The park said Quiroz’s incident was the 1st of its kind that happened in 7 years at the park.

According to Quiroz’s husband, Robert Sullivan, the company hasn’t contacted his family regarding the accident but that it returned the $98 which the family spent there at the night of the incident.

Quiroz is admitted in hospital; she has gained limited use of her arms again and uses a wheelchair if there is a need to go anywhere. She attends physical therapy in the hospital every day.

She said, “It’s tough. I’m going to fight this battle”. According to her, she has faith that she’ll one day walk again. She added, “I’m just taking one day at a time”.

The accident has been especially hard on the couple’s younger children, told Sullivan. “Matthew asked me, is my mom going to lose her legs? It’s just hard thing to answer”.

Nonetheless, Sullivan and his wife are not giving up. They are trying their best to get back as she was before.

Sullivan told his wife, “You’re going to beat this, and God’s the top doctor. You’re going to be able to hug people and thank everybody who ever helped you”.

News Source: FoxNews

Stephen Boutros has dedicated over 27 years to advocating for the rights of victims. He focuses on aggressively seeking justice and ensuring that victims of personal injury receive the fullest possible compensation for their injuries and suffering.

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